+++++++++++++ DISCLAIMER ++++++++++++++THIS IS AN ALPHA VERSIONI received some requests to move it to a productionversion, for my point of view it works but this versionlacks some extensive tests.However I changed it to public with this disclaimer.IT IS PROVIDED AS IS...WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Android RTKLIB frontend.source code can by downloaded on based on RtkGps from Alexey Illarionov, this is a fork ofhis work. He allows explicitly to modify and redistribute his workonly with the distribution his copyright. You'll find the originallicense in the "About/Legacy Info" screen. Thanks to allcontributors to respect this original license clause.Since there is no new version I reworked the code for adding somefeatures I need:1- show the altitude in the status view.for activating this you need to choose Height:Geodetic in the"Solution Options" view2- send mock locations to other applications.for activating this you need to check in the "Solution Options"view Output GPS mock locations, but this is only working if youhave allowed "mock locations" in the developer settings (in Androidsetting).today (in 1.0alpha13) the mock locations are not usable in theGoogle map API.3- automatically upload log file or solution file to your Dropboxaccount4- can generate a gpx file of the track5- can display the result in ECEF, WGS84 Lat/Lon, NAD83, Lambert 93(RGF93) or UTM (with auto zoning) coordinate system5b- use any Proj4 projection6- can display ellipsoidal height or geodetic altitude (differentgeoid models can be use see: forhow to install a geoid model)7- use any RTKLIB compliant GNSS with raw output connected via USB(ACM/PL2303/FTDI), Bluetooth, TCPIP or NTRIP8- can display some maps coming from IGN Geoportail (cadastralparcels, satellite, roads), OpenStreetMap Mapnik, Bing (satellite,roads).9- can download and use IGS ultra-rapid ephemerisThis software is a port of RTKLIB 2.4.2p9 developed by TomokiTakasu (, if you do not know what thisapplication is; this application is probably not what you arelooking for!This application can compute precise GPS positions using RTKLIBalgorithms (RTK or PPP) but for this you need a supported-external- GPS with raw carrier phase output.This is not a "standard" GPS like those embedded into your phone oryour car, the cheapest one you can find is something like uBloxLEA-6T .THERE IS NO WAY to use the GPS found in Samsung Galaxy(s) nor anyphone I seen.But there is a special test mode witch use the internal GPS fortesting only, obviously none of the precision algorithm found inRTKLIB can be use.